Canna LilyCannas thrive in hot, humid weather. They are thirsty plants and need a consistent supply of water throughout the growing season. In warm areas, cannas grow well in full sun or in partial shade. In cooler areas they grow best in full sun. Canna...
- ₹ 469.00
₹ 549.00- ₹ 469.00
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Cape Periwinkle(Catharanthus Roseus)Periwinkle (Vinca minor) is an excellent evergreen groundcover with dark green foliage. Oblong to ovate leaves are opposite, simple, ½ to 2 inches long, glossy, with a short petiole. They exude a milky juice when broken. Flowers are purple, blue or white depending on...
- ₹ 399.00
₹ 499.00- ₹ 399.00
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Carex PensylvanicaIt makes great groundcover in dry shade or as an underplanting for shade perennials Pennsylvania Sedge is also a great lawn substitute for dry soils in shady areas. Carex pensylvanica is perfect for woodland gardens or shady areas; however, it doesn't mind being planted...
- ₹ 399.00
₹ 499.00- ₹ 399.00
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Cast Iron Plant(Aspidistra Elatior)Give it a bright spot, out of direct sunshine, and keep the compost just moist. Advantage to the cast iron plant is its ability to improve air quality, absorb harmful chemicals such as benzene and formaldehyde found in office complexes and homes. They are...
- ₹ 549.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 549.00
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CauliflowerYou can harvest cauliflowers throughout the year, depending on when you sow. They generally take three to five months from sowing to maturity, but growth rates vary according to the variety and weather conditions. Cauliflower plants like to stay moist so check soil moisture...
- ₹ 175.00
₹ 200.00- ₹ 175.00
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Chamomile PlantChamomile has been valued as a digestive relaxant and has been used to treat various gastrointestinal disturbances including flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea, anorexia, motion sickness, nausea, and vomiting. Chamomile is widely recognized as a mild tranquilizer and sleep-inducer. It is thought that chamomile may increase brain neurotransmitter...
- ₹ 399.00
₹ 499.00- ₹ 399.00
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Chinese Croton(Excoecaria Cochinchinensis)Croton plants develop their best colors when grown in bright light. Croton plants prefer full sun, but depending on the species, some can tolerate partial shade. It can be water twice weekly because you should never let the soil stay dry for an extended...
- ₹ 549.00
₹ 699.00- ₹ 549.00
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Chinese Evergreen(Aglaonema)Chinese evergreen(Aglaonema) prefers indirect bright light. Chinese evergreen is a great low-light indoor plant and is easy to grow. It's considered one of the best foliage plants for cleansing room air of toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde. Chinese Evergreen helps to improve the air quality...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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Chinese Money Plant(Pilea peperomioides)The Chinese Money Plant is fast becoming a popular house plant because of its low maintenance needs but the benefits it provides in air purification, easy propagation and symbolism. It is believed that placing a coin in the soil of the plant will boost the...
- ₹ 459.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 459.00
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Christmas Cactus(Schlumbergera)Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) is a popular, winter-flowering houseplant that makes a great addition to nearly any indoor setting. Mist your plant a few times a week. Water every 2 to 3 weeks. Make sure the plant gets enough indirect sunlight but keep it out...
- ₹ 399.00
₹ 499.00- ₹ 399.00
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ChrysanthemumGrow in moist but well-drained soil with added compost or well-rotted manure in a sunny, sheltered spot. Chrysanthemums need staking. Lift in autumn, cut back and store in a dry, frost-free place. Chrysanthemums enjoy a warm, sunny, sheltered spot, with fertile, well-drained soil. Water...
- ₹ 399.00
₹ 499.00- ₹ 399.00
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Citrus TreesCitrus trees need 8 hours of sun and a sunny, wind-free location is ideal. Citrus trees are also very frost-sensitive and must be protected or moved inside to a covered area in cold weather. Citrus is the lack of significant cold tolerance. The ideal temperature...
- ₹ 548.00
₹ 699.00- ₹ 548.00
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ClematisIn many ways, Clematis are easy to grow because they are a vigorous climber, and most are fully hardy and tolerant of many soil types and conditions. The thing makes Clematis a little tricky to grow is that Clematis need regular annual pruning. To...
- ₹ 379.00
₹ 449.00- ₹ 379.00
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Clivia(Clivia miniata)They should be grown as a houseplant. Should be in good light but out of direct sun. Water regularly in summer but sparingly in winter. In pots and containers, clivias like to be pot bound and can be left undisturbed for many years. Clivias...
- ₹ 549.00
₹ 899.00- ₹ 549.00
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Coffee(Coffea arabica)Coffee plants can be grown indoors and outdoors. Coffee Plants love bright light, but not direct sun. Coffee flowers also smell a little bit like citrus blossoms – pleasant, sweet, yet mild. Coffee plants are fairly easy to take care of. Always keep their soil moist...
- ₹ 649.00
₹ 799.00- ₹ 649.00
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ColeusSome modern coleus varieties handle full sun, but most still flourish with at least dappled shade and direct sun limited to morning hours. Too much sun or intense midday rays leave foliage scorched and faded, too little light causes weak growth. A balance is...
- ₹ 349.00
₹ 449.00- ₹ 349.00
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Color OrchidsOrchids do not like direct sun. They require low light levels. An orchid generally needs water once a week during the winter and twice a week when the weather turns warm and dry. Orchids are also believed to bring good luck and prosperity. The flower...
- ₹ 1,099.00
₹ 1,199.00- ₹ 1,099.00
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