Boston Fern(Nephrolepis Exaltata)Boston ferns indoors in bright, indirect sunlight away from drafty doors and heating vents. The Boston Ferns not only spruce up the indoor air quality but also improve the humidity levels by restoring moisture to the air naturally, which gives a soothing effect. The Boston fern...
- ₹ 599.00
₹ 799.00- ₹ 599.00
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Bottlebrush BuckeyeBottlebrush buckeye is a deciduous shrub that is recognized as one of the greatest summer-flowering shrubs. It features multiple stems, dense foliage, and upright, spectacular white flowers with crimson and rosy stamens, which captivate hummingbirds and butterflies. Bottlebrush buckeye prefers a moist growing environment with...
- ₹ 1,999.00
₹ 2,199.00- ₹ 1,999.00
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Brik Planter Pots Mixed Colors - Green
- From ₹ 359.00
₹ 399.00- From ₹ 359.00
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- per
BrinjalThey need fertile, well-drained soil. They can be grown from seed sown directly in the ground, but because they take a long time to fruit, speed up the process by growing them in trays four weeks before planting time, then plant the seeds when...
- ₹ 150.00
₹ 180.00- ₹ 150.00
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BroccoliPlant your broccoli where it will get least 6 hours of sun daily and has fertile, well-drained, moist soil with plenty of organic matter. Sow two seeds apiece in holes 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. Holes should be spaced 18 inches apart in rows that...
- ₹ 175.00
₹ 250.00- ₹ 175.00
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Broken Heart Philodendron(Monstera Adansonii Plant)Large-leafed philodendron plants, including the trendy monstera plant, were shown to be one of the most effective for reducing air pollution. Water thrice a week. Needs bright indirect sunlight. Place your plants on window sills where it can get the brightest possible indirect light....
- ₹ 349.00
₹ 399.00- ₹ 349.00
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BromeliadsBromeliads is a low-maintenance indoor plants as they don't require much sun and only need to be watered about once a week when kept indoors. Water bromeliads well and allow the soil to dry before watering again. Most bromeliads thrive in bright, indirect sunlight or dappled...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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Bunny Ear Cactus(Opuntia Microdasys)The bunny ear cactus (Opuntia microdasys) is a popular houseplant that is not only attractive but is also low-maintenance. Place your bunny ear cactus in direct sunlight. Ensure that the cactus receives at least 14 hours of light each day. Keep the soil evenly moist while...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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Butterfly Bush(Buddleja)Butterfly bushes grow and flower best in full sun. They will grow fine in part shade, especially in warmer climates, but their flowering may be reduced. Soil, Butterfly bushes are not particular about the soil conditions, as long as it drains well. Poorly-drained soils...
- ₹ 349.00
₹ 499.00- ₹ 349.00
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Butterfly WeedAn orange-flowered milkweed of the genus Asclepias (A. tuberosa) of eastern North America that is a source of asclepias. Butterflyweed needs full sun to thrive. This plant needs full sun to bloom. Although it prefers sandy soil, butterflyweed grows in almost any type of soil,...
- ₹ 449.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 449.00
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Buxus MicrophyllaBuxus Microphylla also known as Boxwood plant. Boxwoods do best in dappled shade where they get full sun for a portion of the day. Too much full sun, especially in hot climates, will damage their leaves. Used as foundation plantings around the house, boxwoods...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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CabbageIt is important to keep the soil moist but not soggy. We should be careful not to excessively irrigate our crops because plants cannot tolerate waterlogged soil. Cabbage needs regular, consistent irrigation to develop properly, form firm heads and produce high-quality leaves. Cabbages need...
- ₹ 150.00
₹ 190.00- ₹ 150.00
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Cactus(Desert Cactus)A cactus has special adaptations in its roots, leaves as well as stems that enable it to thrive in desert environments. These adaptations include: Leaves are reduced to spines to reduce water loss through transpiration. Wide and deep roots absorb rainwater on the surface...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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Caladium(Caladium)Caladiums grow best in shade to part shade (two to four hours of direct sun, preferably morning) or bright dappled light. In these conditions, they produce the lushest growth with large, colorful leaves. Cut larger tubers into several pieces with a few eye buds in each....
- ₹ 399.00
₹ 499.00- ₹ 399.00
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Calathea Beauty Star(Calathea Ornata)Calathea Beauty Star became one of the most popular houseplants in recent times. It is because of its top surface that it contains eye-catching green foliage. In the daytime, the leaves bow down, which allows the leaves to soak up the light. And they...
- ₹ 549.00
₹ 799.00- ₹ 549.00
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Calathea Orbifolia(Marantha Plant)This plant requires a lot of indirect light; it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Your Calathea Marantha Plant removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air and thus, it is one of the best air-purifying plants, the plant is very good at converting carbon dioxide...
- ₹ 949.00
₹ 999.00- ₹ 949.00
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Calathea Roseopicta Dottie PlantCalatheas might be a bit high maintenance in some ways, but one way they are not high maintenance is with light. They like bright indirect light but can do well with medium light levels, too. the Calathea Dottie grows about 6-12 inches tall and 6-12...
- ₹ 699.00
₹ 899.00- ₹ 699.00
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Calathea(Calathea)It is a type of plant that prefers indirect lighting. Calathea plants are popular for indoor purposes because they are generally easy to care for and they look great, offering bright green plants to liven up indoor spaces. Calathea prefer soil that is consistently...
- ₹ 649.00
₹ 799.00- ₹ 649.00
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Calatheas(Epipremnum Aureum)Calathea plants are popular for indoor purposes because they are generally easy to care for and they look great, offering bright green plants to liven up indoor spaces. Epipremnum aureum is one of the easiest houseplants to grow and is a beautiful addition to...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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- per