Bergenia tolerates a wide range of lighting conditions, but part shade to full shade suit it best. Although this evergreen perennial grows well in average, well-drained...
Bergenia tolerates a wide range of lighting conditions, but part shade to full shade suit it best.
Although this evergreen perennial grows well in average, well-drained soil, moist humus-rich soil provides maximum growth and bloom power.
Watch for flowers in the early spring.
Tough, hardy and easy to grow, bergenia are often under-rated, but provide valuable evergreen ground cover, even in tricky sites.
Bergenia appreciates the shade, it cannot tolerate wet feet, waterlogged soil, or excessively damp areas.
Bergenia will grow a spike from 12 to 16 inches (30-41 cm) tall, and the tiny, bell-shaped blooms will cover the spikes in pink, white or purple flowers.
These flowers remain for a number of weeks, then begin to die off.