Kalanchoe(Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana)Due to its extreme cold sensitivity, kalanchoe is best-suited as a houseplant. Potted plant requiring very little maintenance in the home or office. Dogs are reported to be particularly sensitive to the cardiotoxic effects of Kalanchoe. Kalanchoe also have air purifying abilities. It helps...
- ₹ 529.00
₹ 699.00- ₹ 529.00
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Lady FingerWater your seeds gently, so as to not disturb them. Keep the soil considerably moist while the seeds germinate. They need the moisture, This plant needs to be kept in a warm spot that receives at least 5 hours of direct bright sunlight. Lady's...
- ₹ 150.00
₹ 200.00- ₹ 150.00
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LantanaAccording to a published medical review on medicinal properties of lantana, its leaves are used for treating malaria, chickenpox, asthma, ulcer, swelling, eczema, tumor, high blood pressure, bilious fever, sores, measles, fevers, colds and high blood pressure Just choose a sunny place and plant...
- ₹ 550.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 550.00
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Lavenderlavender use in inhalation therapy to treat headaches, nervous disorders, and exhaustion. Herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections (like candidiasis), wounds, eczema, and acne, with lavender oil. It is also used in a healing bath for joint and muscle pain. Lavender essential...
- ₹ 749.00
₹ 850.00- ₹ 749.00
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Lemon Tree(Citrus × limon)Lemon is used to treat scurvy, a condition caused by not having enough vitamin C. Lemon is also used for the common cold and flu, swine flu, ringing in the ears, Meniere's disease, and kidney stones. Lemon trees are fairly easy to keep alive,...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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LemongrassLemongrass acts as a relaxant and induces deep sleep by calming the overworking nerves and muscles of the body. You can consume lemongrass tea or use lemongrass essential oil for better sleep. The leaves and the oil are used to make medicine. Lemongrass is used...
- ₹ 299.00
₹ 399.00- ₹ 299.00
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Lipstick Plant(Aeschynanthus Radicans)Lipstick plant is a beautiful flowering indoor plant. Plant is one of the best indoor air purifying plants. It is also known as a luck-bringing plant. The lipstick plant prefers bright, indirect sun
- ₹ 439.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 439.00
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Lucky BambooIt bring good luck and prosperity to the place where it is grown. It is also known to enhance the flow of positive energy in the home and office when placed in the right direction. Clean the container every few months and provide fresh...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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Madagascar Dragon Tree(Dracaena Marginata)The Madagascar Dragon Tree is most definitely one of the easiest indoor plants to grow and maintain. These are slow growers that can take about 10 years to reach over 5ft tall but look lush once they reach about a foot high. They have a very...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 599.00- ₹ 499.00
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Maidenhair Fern(Adiantum Raddianum)The maidenhair fern needs moisture, warmth and plenty of humidity to thrive. Mist at least every couple of days if it's not kept in a humid room such as a bathroom or kitchen – or place on a dish of moist pebbles filled with water. Maidenhair...
- ₹ 749.00
₹ 799.00- ₹ 749.00
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ManzanitaWhen chewed, manzanita leaves could aid nausea and upset stomachs, whereas tea made from the leaves helped with diarrhea. Soaked leaves were used as a poultice to reduce the discomfort associated with poison oak rashes. Native Americans ate raw and dried berries and would also...
- ₹ 5,999.00
₹ 6,099.00- ₹ 5,999.00
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Marble Queen Pothos(Epipremnum Aureum)The Marble Queen needs medium to bright indirect sunlight, but will also do well in low light. Avoid direct sunlight. The Marble Queen Pothos is a delightful indoor plant with air-purifying powers. It is believed that they can bring good fortune, a prosperous future, and...
- ₹ 499.00
₹ 649.00- ₹ 499.00
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MarigoldKeep the soil moist, especially during prolonged dry periods, giving plants a thorough water once a week. Marigolds are the ultimate deer-resistant plant, with a strong fragrance to the foliage and flowers that repels most invasive, while the roots repel nematodes under the soil. Full...
- ₹ 299.00
₹ 399.00- ₹ 299.00
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Money Plant(Crassula Ovata)Crassula ovata prefers a brightly lit position, preferably a south-facing or west-facing aspect, but it will grow in darker conditions. It can be moved outside to a warm, sunny patio in summer but make sure you bring it back indoors before the weather turns...
- ₹ 399.00
- ₹ 399.00
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Money Tree(Pachira Aquatica)Pachira aquatica attracts wealth and good fortune. It purifies the air and makes your home a safe place for you and your family The Money Tree is a pet-friendly indoor plant. It is highly low-maintenance, and over-watering won’t kill it. Place in bright, indirect...
- ₹ 549.00
₹ 889.00- ₹ 549.00
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Monstera(Monstera Deliciosa)They are famous for their natural leaf-holes. Thrives in bright to medium indirect light. Not suited for intense, direct sun but can be acclimated to withstand it. Water every 1-2 weeks, allowing soil to dry out between watering. Normal room humidity will do, but...
- ₹ 799.00
₹ 899.00- ₹ 799.00
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